In November, we took part in two events as Heartship Myanmar Japan, and had the opportunity to talk to many people about the current situation in Myanmar. We thank everyone
In November, we took part in two events as Heartship Myanmar Japan, and had the opportunity to talk to many people about the current situation in Myanmar. We thank everyone
Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in the annual local festival WITH for the third time. ミャンマー支援グループとして まちづくりフェスタWITH に今年も出展させていただきました。 This year, in addition to an exhibition to inform people about the current
On Dec 20, 2023, a fundraising Chinland Building Concert was held at the Koto Cultural Center in Tokyo. Among the many Myanmar artists who performed on stage, three of them
On February 20, 1948, more than 500 Chin representatives from 53 ethnic groups across Chin State convened a Chin National Conference when the representatives voted to adopt the modern democratic
Soccer is the most popular sport in Myanmar, and there are many amateur soccer clubs formed by Myanmar youths living in Japan. ミャンマーで最も人気のあるスポーツであるサッカー。日本在住のミャンマーの若者たちが結成したアマチュアサッカークラブもたくさんあります。 The Chin National Day Futsal Tournament in
Federal Festival (ミャンマー多民族祭り= Myanmar Ethnic Group Festival) was held on November 27th in Kameido, Tokyo. 11月27日、東京・亀戸でミャンマー多民族祭りが開催されました。 Followed by an opening ceremony, there were talks about federal democracy which the people
On November 23, Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in the Multicultural Festival 2022 in Tokyo. 11月23日、東京で開催された多文化おもてなしフェスティバルに出展しました。 Our booth was about informing people about the situation in Myanmar since the military coup
10月29日(土)、まちづくり講座「国際協力の現場から学ぶ 支援すること 支え合うこと」の一環で開催されたフェアトレード展でハートシップ・ミャンマー・ジャパンも出展させていただきました。 On Saturday, October 29, Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in a fair trade event held as part of the community seminar “Learning from International Aid Organizations” 地元のNPO法人あいらんどの絶品クッキーを詰め合わせにした「募金付きクッキー・セット」と、オリジナルのミンガラーバ・トートバッグ(収益はミャンマー、チン州の学校運営費になります)を販売しました。ホームページからもご購入いただけます!伝統的な民族のモチーフをデザインした年齢・性別を問わず使ってもらえるバッグです。 We
Today we were invited to talk about the current situation in Myanmar and our activities as Heartship Myanmar Japan to a group of volunteers who participate in making a translated
Heartship Myanmar Japan participated in a community event today to raise awareness about what’s happening in Myanmar. Thank you to so many of you who stopped by to listen to